151DaysOfCode - Blog 3

Day 8 - Feb 1:

  1. Implemented Stacks using array in Java

Day 9 - Feb 2:

  1. NamasteyJS
  2. Found out that Stack class in collections framework (Java) is slow, performance wise. A better choice would be to use Dequeue which is faster. Tried to think of making stack using queue and queue using stack.

Day 10 - Feb 3:

  1. Kept getting interrupted by power cuts and guests. So just read Namaste Javascript notes and read about git.
  2. Difference between framework and library. Framework inverts control, i.e. calls the shots. Whereas in library, the dev has all the control. Blog on FreeCodeCamp

Day 11 - Feb 4:

  1. Namaste Javascript
  2. Queue data structure in Java. Dequeue function is remaining.

Day 12 - Feb 5:

  1. Applications of stack and queue data structure
  2. Queue implementation complete. Link
  3. Namaste JS

Day 13 - Feb 6:

  1. Got stuck in one DSA problem for too long. LINK
  2. Namastey JS

Day 14 - Feb 7:

  1. Namastey JS
  2. Learned quite interesting concept of functions accessing variables out of their own scopes.