Unblocking the myopic perception

All my doubts in this full-on rant were scrapped off from my skull by a simple yet glaring revelation. We are building Blockchain Networks for Businesses. What gives?

Blockchain for business:

1. Identity is given priority over anonymity of Bitcoin
2. Validation is done by Proof of Work in Bitcoin whereas, in biz oriented Blockchain, we actually want some specific entities to act as validators.
3. In terms of assets we’re not talking about just cryptocurrencies (even they themselves cater to different needs) but a broad variety of assets.

Blockchain for biz PROS:

1. Trust, unlike trustless in Bitcoin or Ethereum
2. Saves time
3. Reduces Cost
4. Reduces risk

Ethereum is really wound up tightly about flexibility and if you decide to build everything from scratch you’re going to be late and IBM’s gonna swoop down and catch your potential clients before you even have a crappy demo ready. The most fundamental difference between Ethereum and Hyperledger is in the way they are designed and their target audience. Ethereum is B2C while Hyperledger is B2B. And those dependencies! Man those are just deployment, containment, and such other tools that are used to reduce time and cost overhead while making a Biz B-chain Network.

What’s Hyperleger: The answer to business blockchain needs by IBM and Linux foundation.

What’s Fabric: Platform on which Biz B-chain network and smart contracts (chaincode) reside

What’s Composer: Simplifies application development on top of the Hyperledger Fabric

What’s Docker-engine: Docker Engine enables containerized applications to run anywhere consistently on any infrastructure, solving “dependency hell” for developers and operations teams, and eliminating the “it works on my laptop!” problem. Still wrapping my head around this one…

What’s Docker Compose: Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration. List of all features

Node: As an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime, Node is designed to build scalable network applications.many connections can be handled concurrently. Upon each connection the callback is fired, but if there is no work to be done, Node will sleep. Pops up in many many places.

npm: Essential JavaScript development tools that help you go to market faster and build powerful applications using modern open source code. Comes along with node.

2 to go: What are REST and yo?