Frontend engineer at Nord Finance. Fullstack web dev from neogcamp'21. Interested in web-dev (MERN), React-native, web3 and game-dev.
Two choices: stretch the framework or remove the performance bottleneck ยท TL;DR If any JS logic takes >100ms, the user feels it. In my case, a function...
After battling for a long time to simply get firebase auth to work in an expo app, having face issues with signInWithPopup, signInWithRedirect, Async...
In Pt-1, we talked about my plan to validate a hypothesis in market. The first step was to gather data on AdMob rewarded video to tweak the model if...
Idea: Play games, to win prizes. This format is an ancient ancient one. Such an idea with a twist popped up in my head, and now I have decided to test...
Context: In our application we are using @walletconnect/web3-provider and web3Modal to connect to Polygon. So, according to provider options for...
We know that immutability is an important factor when working in React. The thing with arrays in JS is that, they are reference values. CODE: const...